Wednesday, November 28, 2012


For all of you preschool teachers out there, or any one interested for that matter THIS book is amazing.  I have to read it for one of my classes but Carol Hillman is such a good writer, has awesome ideas, and things to make you stop and think.  I was reading it tonight and found this quote she says, 

“There is so much to enjoy in the child’s world.  There are so few years for a child to be a child.  The presence of too many letter, too many numbers, or too much technology can dull the imagination and put unnecessary pressure on this precious time of life.”

When I read this I just wanted to shout HALLELUJAH! Okay a bit extreme but really... Why are we forcing children to grow up to soon?  I think it is so wrong that when your child gets to kindergarten if they can't read and write then they are already behind in school.  This is sooo wrong.  Let Them be Little for a little longer.  This truly is a precious time of life and we need to make sure that every child gets the childhood they deserve.  This is my challenge for you, give your child time, everything will work out I promise!  Enjoy the time you have with them now because they are only that way for a while. 

Cars Theme

My husband and I are trying to save as much money as possible this for Christmas so for my nephew I am making a cars theme box.  I have been so excited about this and thought I would share some of the easy and cheap ideas I have made/found!

Letter, number, and shape roads!  I found these HERE for FREE!  They even give you the option of how you want to print them (on white paper with black ink, or black paper!)

Car Color Match Up-  There is not a template for this but all I did was found different colored cars and then paper to match them.  Cut up the paper and glue it to a black piece of construction paper, easy as that!  

Street Signs-  This was so easy! click HERE for the free print outs. I also painted my Popsicle sticks black but you don't have too! 

Traffic Signs/ Shape Match Up- These are like the ones above but a little bigger and also different ones.  You can print them off HERE.  You can also print off the outlines of them so that the children can match shapes, or just have them printed and laminated for extra fun! There are also large signs for a lace up if you desire! 

Fabric Roads- Have an old pair of levi's lying around? Simple cut them up, paint yellow lines onto them and BAM instant fun! 

What car theme ideas do you have? Feel free to leave a comment and share.  Remember you don't have to spend a lot of money to have something nice.  Children will love just about everything and knowing that you made it for them is that much more special!  Try it out, its as easy as that! 

Ooey Gooey

I love this website (here).  I love all of her ideas and her excitement she brings to preschool. Take a look, get inspired! this is one of my favorite handouts here all about trying to make creative art a process not a product!  I'm serious, look around you won't regret it!  

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Super Simple Learning

I just thought I would share my new favorite website (at least for now that is!) click here to enjoy!

I wish I would have know about this all along.  You can print out free flash cards of all different kinds, mostly flash cards that go along with your favorite kids songs (The Eensey Weensey Spider, Old Mcdonald, letter flashcards, emotions cards...) Its as simple as that!  Print out the cards cut then how you would like, laminate if you want to keep them forever and enjoy!  I hope this brings you as much joy as it did me, it's the small things that bring you joy right?